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Miranda and Geraint are professional sculptors and qualified tutors who run Amerton Arts Studio traditional craft courses

About Miranda and Geraint

Miranda and Geraint met many years ago whilst undertaking traditional figurative sculpture training. Their grounding in long-established craft skills and knowledge enabled them both to follow individual interests and commercial careers.  Since then both have had long and enjoyable years making and teaching.

Miranda and Geraint carvng 'Trisentona'

Portland stone sculpture for

Staffordshire Wildlife Trust


Stone carving and clay sculpture and are taught by Miranda Wakeman, a professional sculptor and qualified teacher with specialist training in figurative sculpture and a BA in art history.  


Sculpture clients include public bodies, commercial companies and private individuals.


Miranda taught sculpture at Stafford College for many years, she holds a further education teaching qualification.



Nymph and Satyr sculpture by Miranda Wakeman
Autumn figure sculpture by Miranda Wakeman
Diana the Huntress sculpture by Miranda Wakeman
Leazes Park Lion sculpture by Miranda Wakeman
Private commission - Nymph and Satyr
Commercial commission - Autumn
Private commission - Diana the huntress
English Heritage commission - Lion


Interactive carved oak dragon sculpture by Geraint Lloyd
Interactive carved oak Dragon gateway for the anglo saxon village Rufford Abbey
Corinthian capital carving by Geraint Lloyd

Geraint is a professional sculptor, craftsman and qualified teacher with a PGCE in Design and Technology.

With over 20 years experience in the field Geraint specialises in prestigious public sculpture projects and architectural restoration.

Through the summer Geraint travels the country teaching traditional crafts at events festivals and shows. 


Corinthian capital carved, moulded and cast in resin for use as master copy in a factory

large head sculpture by Geraint Lloyd

Monumental scale head of Izaak Walton commissioned by Stafford Borough council 

Interactive praxinoscope artwork by Geraint Lloyd

Interactive praxinoscope for Groundworks East Midlands

sculpted urn at Leazes Park by Geraint Lloyd

New master copy of an Urn replacing a badly damaged and worn victorian original

Sculpted Corinthian capital by Geraint Lloyd

Carved corinthian capital master copy ready for moulding in the factory 

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